Understanding how to perfectly clean your bathroom floor tiles can completely transform your thinking on cleaning your bathroom. Keeping your bathrooms tiles clean is not just important but is also a necessity. It is a functional space in your house that facilitates refreshing morning showers or a relaxed weekend bath.
However, bathrooms accumulate grime and dust very quickly, especially on the tiles, because we use it every day to refresh ourselves from our day long activities. Naturally all the germs get accumulated here which is why cleaning bathroom floor tiles becomes very essential.
Tips on how to clean bathroom floor tiles
You can clean your bathroom floor tiles with your choice of products.
Tip 1: Clean tile surface
- Use a high-quality broom to sweep the bathroom. Sweep along the edges to collect the dust and dirt. Make sure you give a good sweep around the base of the floor.
- Take a bucket of warm water, add ¼ cup of vinegar and a tablespoon of dishwashing soap. Submerge the mop in it, wring out excess water and mop the floor clean.
- Take a dry towel and wipe your floor dry post washing the bathroom tiles.
Tip 2: Make your own cleaning solution
You can make an effective solution by combining 2 parts of baking soda and one part water. In case there are stubborn tile statins, swap water with vinegar. But if your tiles are made of marble, slate, granite, or stone tiles avoid using vinegar as it can damage them.
Tip 3: Scrub Grout
Once you have prepared your solution, apply it to the tile stains as much as required and start scrubbing the grout. But how to clean grout between bathroom ties effectively? Mix two parts baking soda with one part vinegar. If you have coarse or fragile tiles, mix two parts baking soda with one part hydrogen peroxide. If desired, you can also use a commercial grout cleaner. Use a toothbrush to scrub as it works best for the smaller areas.
Tip 4: Rinse and Seal
Let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub it clean along with a water wash. Apply a grout sealer after 24 hours to avoid the embedding of grout.
How to remove distinct types of stains from bathroom floor tiles
Your bathroom floor tiles may have different kinds of stains or grout embedded. Every stain has its own unique removal solution.
How to remove hardwater stains from bathroom floor tiles?
Removing hard water stains is a challenge. However, by following these tips you can easily address the hard water stains on your bathroom floor tiles
- Install a bathroom softener to the water supply source- This will help remove the excess magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium ions and give you soft water that will protect the bathroom tiles from stains
- Use all-purpose vinegar- If you are worried about the bathroom wall tile cleaning, vinegar is your go-to solution. Its acidic nature removes Moulds without hurting the tiles. Equal portions of vinegar and water are ideal.
- Common salt- Salt is an amazing disinfectant and kills germs immediately. For effective results, sprinkle salt on the wet bathroom floor tiles, leave for an hour and brush it off with a sponge later.
How to remove saltwater stains from bathroom floor tiles?
You will need 1/3rd cup of distilled white vinegar, water, a spray bottle, a vacuum cleaner, a microfiber mop, a microfiber cloth, and a towel. Once you have gathered the ingredients you can start the cleaning process.
- Dry the floor and then vacuum as much salt as possible.
- Then make a mixture of vinegar and water and pour it into a spray bottle.
- Spritz this solution over your tiles.
- Leave it for 5 minutes, and then mop it dry.
- Take a damp microfiber cloth and wipe carefully to remove any residual salt.
- Wipe with a dry towel/cloth.
How to remove yellow stains from bathroom tiles?
Are there yellow stains embedded on your bathroom floor tiles? Wondering how you can remove them without spreading them out or harming the tiles? Here is a simple solution. Hydrogen peroxide! It is excellent for removing stains that cause yellowing of the tiles. However, use only a little dab of the diluted hydrogen peroxide solution as it is mildly corrosive. Also, thoroughly clean the tiles with tap water once the stain has disappeared.
Another option is to add 1.5 caps of Harpic cleaner to half bucket of water, mop and then scrub.
How to clean bathroom tiles with different cleaning agents?
There are many cleaning agents, commercially available as well as DIY ones you can use to clean your bathroom floor tiles.
How to clean bathroom tiles with baking soda?
Baking soda, all by itself, is also an excellent cleaning agent. It has properties that can easily clean stains. You directly apply baking soda on your bathroom tiles and leave it overnight. Rinse the bathroom floor in the morning and you will have clean, shiny tiles again.
A combination of baking soda and vinegar is also a good solution to clean stubborn stains on the tiles.
How to clean bathroom tiles with Vinegar?
Mixing water with vinegar in equal portions and spraying it on bathroom tiles is the best solution. Use this solution for light, yellowish bathroom stains from hard water. You can also use this on your showerheads, faucets, bidets, and steel sinks.
How to clean bathroom tiles with acid?
Acid cleaning, using muriatic acid, available in the market, is one of the most common types of cleaning methods that most of us would have incorporated. You can use this as a last resort to address extremely stubborn stains. Apply acid on the wet floor, part by part and scrub it.
Your bathroom tiles attract grime and grout very easily as it is the area that is used to wash and refresh yourselves. Cleaning the bathroom floor tiles may seem stressful, but you must get it. Using the above tips mentioned, you can easily address the different types of stain on your bathroom floor tiles. But if you are still not convinced and want professional help you can turn to Clean Pro’s professional cleaning services. We offer a wide range of cleaning services, including professional bathroom cleaning services. Our expertise in cleaning is unmatched and our services will not leave you disappointed. Contact us today if you are looking for professional cleaning services in Bangalore.
FAQ- Frequently Asked Questions
1. How to clean stains from bathroom tiles?
There is different type of stains that can affect your bathroom tiles. But as a general solution you can Wash the stain with club soda and water or with a non-abrasive floor cleaner. Rinse well.
2. What are some effective toilet cleaning tips?
Wipe down the toilet exterior, inclusive of the handle, seat, and tank, using paper towels or a microfibre cloth and a mild disinfectant solution. Make sure you clean the whole surface thoroughly. If hard water stains have formed on the bowl, use a vinegar-soaked paper towel, and place it directly on the affected area.
3. What is the best chemical to clean bathroom tiles?
There are many household cleaning agents you can use to clean bathroom tiles like baking soda, vinegar, or the combination of both. But the best one for Indian households is combining bleach and water in a 1:3 ratio. This will yield an effective tile-cleaning solution.